Monday, 14 October 2013

Next Meet - Tuesday October 22nd - Veritas, Leeds

The kind people at Veritas, Leeds have given us the use of their dining room for the evening, so the next meet is called for 6.30pm on Tuesday 22nd October.

Meet from 6.30pm, with a talk from Matt and Chris at the Yorkshire Hops project at around 7pm, then bottle swaps, presenting beers to the group, whatever you fancy really.

If you can give an indication of numbers below, or if anyone would like to bring beers along to present and/orshare, that would be a great help.

See you on the 22nd!

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Next Meet - A Call For Dates

Just a quick post to see if anyone can find time for a meet later this month?

And as if that wasn't enough to tempt you, the fine chaps at Yorkshire Hops have agreed to come down and have a chat with us about what they're up to - how they got started, how the project is going, and (perhaps most importantly) whether we can sponsor some hop plants and get our hands on some fresh hops from next year's harvest!

Matt from Yorkshire Hops says that the best evening for him would be a Tuesday, so shall we shoot for the either of the last two Tuesdays this month, the 22nd or the 29th? Early meet, Leeds central, early finish?

Friday, 4 October 2013

LIBF Competition - Update (and a happy ending)

Sorry for the lack of activity on here recently - it seems as though everyone is busy with other things.

A quick update on the competition for Leeds International Beer Festival. After gladiator night in the previous post, three beers ended up going through to the final selection process, the eventual winner being Matt Lovatt's summer ale - a pale, slightly tart beer designed for maximum summer refreshment.

 At the festival, the beers from the respective homebrew groups were judged against each other, and in a marginal decision, Leeds vanquished their Mancunian rivals by 3 votes to 2. Hurrah for the White Rose!

Matt's beer was brewed for the festival at Kirkstall Brewery, who clearly liked what he did, because they offered Matt a job. Hurrah again!